
We have not been booking shows recently due to Kath caring for her husband, who is waiting for two hip replacements.

We have no idea when his operations will be, so we have felt very up in the air about the shows.

We have waited so long, but we have now initially said to organisers that we would like to exhibit at two shows.

So fingers crossed, with the right circumstances, we will be at the following!


Autumn MINIATURA ,  The 100th Miniatura!

14th & 15th September 2024


Here’s the link for the Stoneleigh NAEC website’s own directions – https://www.naecstoneleigh.co.uk/visiting-us/getting-here/

Details from www.miniatura.co.uk

Miniatura Online is a new resource from the Miniatura team and is a virtual show listing of makers and exhibitors, to explore visit https://miniatura.co.uk/makers/

 York Dollshouse and Miniature Fair,

10th November 2024

The Knavesmire Stand, YORK RACECOURSE, Tadcaster Rd, York, North Yorkshire YO23 1EX.

Details from www.warners-exhibitions.co.uk

The List

Also see The List, a new online rescource set up by London Dollshouse Showcase, to help you find the minis and makers that you are looking for!















All designs remain the copyright of Delph Miniatures.

eCommerce by CubeCart skin design by Indrum